Robert Winslow
Founder - 4th Line Theatre;
Playwright/Actor - The Cavan Blazers
As one of Canada’s leading theatre artists, Robert Winslow has written or co-written 17 of the original plays that have been presented environmentally at the 4th Line Theatre since 1992 and has directed and performed in most of them. An established theatre artist, he has been involved in theatre for 45 years as a playwright, actor, director and/or artistic director. Mr. Winslow has performed in theatres across Canada, the U.S. and Britain since 1982, including the Blyth Festival, Edmonton’s Theatre Network, Northern Lights, Citadel Theatre, Catalyst, Nexus Theatre and the Fringe Festival. In 1988, he founded an improvisational theatre company, East City Productions, in Peterborough, Ontario and began directing and writing for the stage. His first full-length play, The Cavan Blazers, was staged as 4th Line Theatre’s first production in 1992 and later published by Ordinary Press. The production has been mounted six times and continually performs to capacity audiences. Additional writing credits include Gimme That Prime Time Religion, Cavan Casanova, Two Rounds and a Square, Fair Play, The Bell of Batoche, The Orchard, Crow Hill: The Telephone Play, The Winslows of Derryvore, Doctor Barnardo’s Children, The Last Green Hill, Welcome Death, Wounded Soldiers, The History of Drinking in Cavan and Carmel, all for 4th Line.