A Daughter
Written by Kim Blackwell
Directed by Lindy Finlan
Performed by Linda Kash & Peyton LeBarr
Guest Speaker Suzanne Parkinson, retired family law lawyer
A Daughter is an examination of family estrangement, the emotional cost of divorce and the beauty of bread-making. The play explores love, loss and the ultimate betrayal. A mother is willing to sacrifice everything to show her daughter how much she loves her.
Anyone interested in attending will have to register to attend the RWSA conference. Full conference or one-day-only registration options are available. The live virtual reading of A Daughter is on Friday May 14, 2021 from 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM.
Visit the following link to register to attend the RWSA Conference:
RWSA 2021 Program Link:
Top (L to R): Kim Blackwell; Linda Kash. Bottom (L to R): Peyton LeBarr; Lindy Finlan.
4th Line Theatre is excited to announce a virtual live reading of Kim Blackwell’s one-act play, A Daughter, as part of the programming for The Rural Women’s Studies Association (RWSA) Conference hosted by Guelph University. The tri-annual conference will take place virtually from Tuesday, May 11th to Saturday, May 15th, 2021.
The RWSA is an international association for the advancement and promotion of farm and rural women's gender studies in historical perspective. The association welcomes scholars from diverse fields as well as rural organizations and communities from around the world. The upcoming conference looks to share knowledge about rural women, food, and other issues including activism, feminism, social justice, mental health, innovation, community development, and cultural expression.
Managing Artistic Director Kim Blackwell explains, "It is such honour to have my script chosen to be included in this prestigious international rural women's conference. The topic of food and rural women is fascinating and one which my play explores. The connection between love, family and feeding our loved ones plays predominantly in the script, which came partly out of the sourdough craze of the early weeks of the pandemic.”
The live reading of A Daughter, directed by Lindy Finlan, will feature Linda Kash and Peyton LeBarr as performers. Following the reading, Blackwell will host a discussion and Q & A session about her play and its themes, featuring Finlan, Kash and LeBarr as well as her own biological mother, Suzanne Parkinson, herself a retired family law lawyer. Virtual attendees will be invited to submit questions or comments.
"I was honoured to direct an earlier draft of A Daughter in September 2020 and have such an admiration and deep respect for Kim for tackling this difficult subject matter head-on and creating such a beautiful play,” states director Lindy Finlan. “I am excited to work with Linda and Peyton to bring Kim's words to life for this live, virtual reading as part of this fascinating conference."